Dear Carol: I have just received Transvestia No.101. I note that you have now purchased the magazine from Virginia and, without doubt, you will continue to be a s good and trustworthy as Virginia has in the past 20 years. I have subscribed to Transvestia since issue No. 4. I would like to take this oppor- tunity to wish you all the luck and success as owner and Editor. G.B.S. (Gloucester, England)
Dear Carol: I have just received your first issue of Trans- vestia, No. 101, and I think it's very good. Similar to the pre- vious format but sufficiently different to make it individual and not just a slavish copy. My congratulations to you. Joy, Surrey, England)
Dear Carol: I served 13 months in the infantry in Vietnam. I'm not a sissy, but I do enjoy wearing feminine clothing. I had been crossdressing long before I was drafted into the army and I'm still doing it. Actually, I'm scared at times - almost as scared as I was in Vietnam. But I'm not ashamed of what I do. Some of those in my family have found out about my cross- dressing. Unfortunately, one of those was my wife and because of this we have separated. She took the children and left, al- though we see each other about two times a week. She says that she can put up with my wearing panties but she cannot take nightgowns, pantyhose, bras, dresses and so forth. I wonder if most women act this way. CC, (Phoenix, Az)
Dear Carol: I would like to request some assistance and information from you. I have been a crossdresser for several years. I feel so good when I can get into dresses and pretty, soft things. There is only one other person who knows about my crossdressing and I store my clothes with him. But he is 'gay' and does not get the same feeling as I do when I walk around his living room. I have periods when I think that I should give it all up and feel rather guilty. Naturally this pro- duces a lot of anxiety. The two worlds become difficult to face. My wife and son are not aware of my dressing and it would hurt me deeply if they were embarassed after learning of my 'strange' desires. Thus, I go to great measures to keep them from finding out about me. The interesting thing is that my wife and I are similar in size, so when she leaves for her teach-